HLSI Christmas Quiz

Elizabeth Duff and Julia Stevens
Via Zoom
01 Dec 2020 6:00pm - 7:30pm

Fiendish Fun and Frenetic Facts: the HLSI Christmas Quiz

A fundraiser for the HLSI

Elizabeth Duff, a health policy advisor, and Julia Stevens, a retired sixth-form teacher and member of the HLSI Education Committee, have been quizzing together for over twenty years.  Recently they’ve been setting questions for charity quiz events: fiendish fun, frenetic fact-finding and effective fund-raising.

They have devised a challenging and stimulating Christmas Quiz for the HLSI.   Don’t worry if you are on your own or if there are just two or three of you – you will be allocated a team.  The main object of the quiz is to have fun!

Join us on the night over Zoom.  To book a place, email Kathy Dallas president@hlsi.net and she will reserve one for you.

As this is a fundraising event for HLSI, we are asking for £10 per person. As well as having a fun evening, you will be helping to support our work. Thank you! Our bank details are: Highgate Literary & Scientific Institution, sort code: 20-36-16, account number: 70474800. Please leave your initial and surname as reference. Thank you.