Higher, Faster, Further

Jim Lloyd Davies
Victoria Hall / Online
30 Nov 2023 8:00pm - 9:00pm
Book Online Link

The birth of aviation

The talk will cover the period from the Wright Brothers’ first flight to the outbreak of the First World War.  It was a period that saw interest in flying suddenly explode as the great newspaper proprietors realised that there was good money to be made from publicising the exploits of early aviation pioneers.  They sponsored races and air shows where heads of state came to present prizes and trophies to the most successful.  And success was largely achieved by engineering innovation.  The first monoplanes were built and powered by the first air-cooled internal combustion engines.  Bleriot flew across The Channel; Roland Garros crossed the Mediterranean.

Group Captain Jim Lloyd Davies served with the RAF for thirty years and gained academic qualifications from Cambridge and the Ecole Militaire.  He has chaired the HLSI Science Group for the past seven years.

Victoria Hall: Doors open at 7.30pm for 8pm start (no booking needed)
Online link: Please book to receive a link (click on at 7.55pm)
Free to all. Donations welcome.