Tree ID – Summer 2024

Bettina Metcalfe
Thursdays 1.30 - 3pm

Summer term:
18 April - 20 June (10 weeks)
No half term
Members:  £110 Non-members: £135
Concessions: £10 (call the office 020 8340 3343)

This 10-week course takes place outdoors on Hampstead Heath and the Kenwood Estate.

Who is the course for?
This course in tree identification is suitable for students with no previous experience and also for those interested in improving their knowledge of trees. It is for people who want to develop their ability to observe, describe and identify trees. There will be some uneven terrain, but most walking is on paths and grass.

What will you learn?
We will be looking mainly at broad-leaved trees and some conifers, concentrating on fruit, leaves and bark.  Some aspects of tree taxonomy will be explained and scientific names and nomenclature will be used. You will learn to identify a great number of species accurately.

About the location
Hampstead Heath has many native trees, but also quite a few introduced trees. Kenwood Estate which lies on the northern edge of Hampstead Heath has a fabulous collection of exotic trees. We will be visiting a different area of the Heath each week.

How is the course taught?
The exact location of the first meeting place will be announced prior to the start of the course. Teaching will be interactive with high student participation. Students will be encouraged to share their observations, make comments, ask questions and engage in discussions. You will develop skills, such as practical precise observation, comparison and the use of a methodology. Students will be asked to consolidate what they have learned between the weekly sessions.

What to bring
Please bring a hand lens of magnification x10 and a notebook and pencil.

If you have a tree identification book, please bring it to the sessions. If you are thinking of acquiring one, Collins Tree Guide by Owen Johnson is recommended.