Russian Language and Culture: Intermediate (B1/B2) Online

Elena Malysheva
Mondays 10.30am – 12.30pm

Summer term 2024: 15 April – 1 July (10 weeks)
Spring Bank Holiday 6 May 2024. Half Term: Monday 27 May 2024 (Bank Holiday)

Members: £144 Non-members: £179
Concessions: call the office 020 8340 3343

This course is for people with prior knowledge of the Russian language, wishing to increase their vocabulary, improve their knowledge of basic grammar, and gain more linguistic independence.

We will continue working within the topics of daily life, including hypothetical scenarios, and will incorporate the use of personal pronouns, irregular nouns and verbs, and aspect. We will build upon our existing knowledge of the verb stems to construct participles and gerunds. We will reinforce our existing knowledge of stressed and unstressed syllables, and hard and soft adjective endings in order to improve pronunciation and spelling.

Each session will also cover an element of Russian culture, literature, music and history. Discussions in English will include the ever changing political landscape of Russia and Russian speaking countries, emigration, the changing narrative of Russia’s state education, notable historic figures, Russian folklore, icon painting, environment, and much more.

Materials. Worksheets, links, audio recordings, suggestions for further reading, and other resources will be provided.

Elena Malysheva
Elena has over 15 years’ experience as a professional translator in the fields of creative media, art and literature. She graduated from the university of Pushkin, Russia, with a degree in linguistics and holds an MSc in Education from Birkbeck University. She currently teaches Russian language to native and non-native speakers as well as history, culture and literature.