German: Advanced (C1)

Barbara Pöllet
Linden Room
Wednesdays 2.45pm – 4.45pm

Summer term 2024:
24 April – 3 July (10 weeks)
Half term: Wednesday 29 May 2024

Members:  £144 Non-members: £179
Concessions: £10 (call the office 020 8340 3343)

This course is for students who are proficient in the language, having studied it for five to six years or spent time in the country. It is aimed at those who wish to maintain their proficiency and refine their vocabulary, and who are interested in keeping up to date with social and cultural aspects of the country.

The class will be conducted entirely in German, and there will be discussions of current and past social and cultural aspects of the country.  Grammatical issues will be addressed as needed.

Materials: A variety of materials will be used, including short visual clips, audio clips for listening exercises, grammar presentations and interactive games.  Different texts will be handed out, and students will be asked to buy a novel.

Barbara Pollet
 Barbara was born in Germany but has lived in England since 1996. She has a BSc in Anthropology and a Cambridge certificate in teaching German to adults. She has taught German in a variety of institutions for the past 20 years, including City University and CityLit.