Political History: The Chartists

Ellen Carpenter
Gosling Room
Saturday 22 June

Image: ‘A photograph of the Great Chartist Meeting on Kennington Common, London 1848’

11am - 2pm

Members:  £40  Non-members: £50 
Concessions: £10 (call the office 020 8340 3343)

The People’s Charter: Meet the Chartists
‘Peacefully if we can, forcibly if we must…’Join us to discover the history of Chartism and the Chartists, from their 6-point Charter and mass, country-wide petitions to organised protests, riots and uprisings.  How did Chartists organise protests and why did calls for a secret ballot and votes for all adult males over the age of 21 prove so controversial?

Topics we will cover in the session include: 

  • Who were the Chartists?
  • The People’s Charter
  • ‘Moral Force’ and ‘physical force’ Chartists
  • The Birmingham Riots & Newport Uprising
  • Women and Chartism
  • The end of the movement
  • The Impact of the Chartist Movement

This lecture will be interactive; our activities will include reading from sources, a chance to ask questions and share your views, together with an opportunity to test your knowledge of the subject.

Ellen Carpenter
Ellen has taught history and politics for many years. She recently won an Inspiring Tutor award at the City Lit for her work with adult learners.