Contract Bridge – playing and improving

Victor Lesk
Linden Room
Mondays 2pm - 4pm

Summer Term 2024:
15 April – 1 July (10 weeks)
Spring Bank Holiday: 6 May 2024. Half Term: Monday 27 May 2024 (Bank Holiday)

Members:  £130 Non-members: £163
Concessions: £10 (call the office 020 8340 3343)

Summer Term
This programme is for people who enjoy playing bridge, and want to improve their understanding and ability while meeting people to play the game we love. It is a tailored course, not solely a meeting for playing bridge.

Each session will be two hours’ long. In the first 40-60 minutes, the tutor will lead a discussion arising from different random deals, addressing the bidding, play, and principles that arise.

There may be short topic-based lessons on topics suggested by students.

There will then be a period of 'Supervised play' where the tutor may be called to the table to give advice and comment.

Open to most levels, from those with some casual experience to more competitive players, but this course is NOT suitable for beginners.

Victor Lesk
Victor has a background in science and has also worked in IT. Since 2018 he has devoted his efforts to Bridge, organising social and club sessions, events and tourism, umpiring tournaments, and developing and maintaining bridge products.